Wednesday, January 05, 2005

i failed badly. my savings plan crashed and died! in less than 3 days, I've already spent 20 bucks! gosh... i only wanted to spend 8 bucks in slightly less than a week and look what happened. food is the cause of all these.... can't seem to reject the temptation of food... ahaha... well, think i better re-look my savings plan all over again. am at home now, hungry again. these few days can't really go out because firstly, i don't have the capital to be out hanging around and secondly, there's so much to be done at home. Projects piling up, homework... even if i don't attend lecture, i still gotta do my homework... Stayed in school till 5 today when I can actually go home at 2. Gems ended early today and I decided to accompany yan to the library to get my powerpoint started. It's been a long time since i last saw yan.. she's been very busy, no time to go out with me too.. =( anyway, sat at the computer for barely 2 hours and already my back is aching.. gosh.. am getting old. not only does my back ache when i sit too long in front of the computer... my knees ache when the weather's too cold.. sounds like grandmama... ahahhaa.. came home, rested and dozed off for a while then woke up, bathed and continued my powerpoint... don't feel like doing it at home so i am going to school to get it brushed up tmr during stats lecture... hopefully by then, everything would be ok. gotta go do my econs... and tmr's another long day with project meeting after school... *yawns* am tired... but *smiles*, life is great.

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