Wednesday, December 15, 2004

seeing everyone living in bliss and contentment makes me wonder what's the true definition of bliss. i thought life was a bliss for me. i thought i found my true happiness but fate was cruel and unkind, it had to take everything away from me. leaving me nothing but a broken heart. i hate to admit this and i don't want to but i truly m*ss her. i know things are not the same for us and they never will ever be the same again but my heart refuses to listen to my head. my head always tells me to think logically and act practically but i was given a very rebellious heart who choose to let itself be shred and torn by the person i l*ve most. sometimes in my child-like mind, i asked myself why am i not chosen. why am i the one being abandoned. this black and dark pit feels so cold and empty. it's so cold in here. i just want to be someone by your side and to stay with you whether you are happy or sad, i guess it's too much to ask for. why say i am making assumptions when sometimes, your action already speak louder than words. your action tells all, i just chose to live in a world of deceit. here in my dark pit, i am surrounded by artificial affection and action. though not real, each and every thing that's passed to me slices my poor heart up even more. as this girl here sits in her pit, waiting for her only sunshine to come rescue her, tears well up because she knows deep down that her only sunshine would never rescue her ever again like the way she did long ago. memories of the past flashes back like it just happened yesterday. so, what's the real definition of bliss?

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