Sunday, June 17, 2012

And the search for wedding venue continues, coming nearer and nearer to the end. I've been to super nice place, such as @ Hyatt, the new concept call The Gallery, with the super intimate privacy reception area, complete with a loft kitchen and even living room, which we can design any way we want. of course, such new concept place comes with a price.

we should be making a decision soon. all these weeks of searching, inspecting, we've learnt alot. and we have benefited alot. we met some very nice wedding coordinators and of course a fair share of inexperienced 'gabra' ones.

i went to sengkang sports complex for roadshow today. usually now i don't like to do roadshows anymore, cos i am not very good at it anyway. abit waste of time, sometimes for me. but i agreed to go today and it was quite an experience. one of my best moment. =) =) happy. anyway, sengkang sports complex is quite cool ,they have very nice pools and very well equipped facilities. i am glad that my future home will be near here, so i can visit often.

haik.. my life is filled with work, trying to get started my preparation for my wedding and not much else. i want something exciting!!! anyway, decided not to blabber too much wedding talk on this blog. after all, i don't want it to be like all about wedding and no more personal life. i set up a wedding blog, at least a place for me to blabber. haha