Monday, December 17, 2007

basically, there are only 4 categories to sum up all guys.

the first type is a bloke. a bloke is someone insensitive to girls' needs, maybe a little mcp, definitely not a girl's best friend. don't think this kind of guy is very bad. they should be pretty manly, like 100% guy tt kind and should also be more or less quite responsible. cos they believe they are the man in the house and would take responsible. like what someone say, bring the food home type of guy. but there are others who might argue, are blokes the male versions of blondes? i wonder...

next would be the metrosexual type of guys. needless to say, everyone should know what they are. totally different from a bloke. care about looks. maybe spend more time in the toilet and changing room than a girl. but these guys just happen to care more of how they look and i guess these type of guys would definitely be girls' best friends. easily mistaken as not straight...

smack right in the middle would be the bonds. bond coming from James Bond. A good guy, a guy who know what a girl wants and what a girl needs. a charmer i would say, can totally sweep a girl right off her feet. diff from a metrosexual would be that, they still carry a air of charm, manly charm. this category makes everyone's perfect or dream guy? many prince charming type of shows all depicts such a character.

and the last category will be gays of course.. and like what one would say.. gone. haha.... no offense of course. but i dun ve to explain the last category.

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