Monday, August 10, 2009

It's time to sit down, collect my thoughts properly and then plan and decide what's the next step I should take. There are things to be done, people to be met. Time for the list to be put to use again. I have a rough direction now but certain things still can't be rushed. That I know...

Now that my dearest friend is back... the more i should organise and collect my thoughts properly. I want to accomplish and complete some tasks or take on new ones, I wouldn't mind that too. Anyway... I know this is pretty old stuff but i cannot seem to be able to find it anywhere. Anyone knows where I can get a cup cover? I have cups and I wanna drink my tea hot, but i don't have cup cover at home, don't know where to get it from either. pls tell me if anyone knows. best if can buy one set, the cup and cover one set.

time to be a regular blogger again!

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