Monday, December 27, 2010

3 straight days of homey food, so christmasy feel. =) i'm a happy girl.... my collection of hairbands is increasing and i'm even happier. =) one more week to the end of the year. i was talking to the boy on the long journey home from island SEGAR and we were talking about people's faces. He said he didn't understand how come people can have double face. I told him everyone is bound to have 2 different face, it's a matter of how different one face is from the other and also wad's the intention behind the faces.

i told him.. he's a different person in front of me and in front of friends. He's quicker to anger as compared to when he's dealing with irritating friends. He said that's because it's me. And i told him, exactly, i could trigger that emotion out of him quicker and make him slightly different than when he;'s with colleagues or friends.

I bet people can have more faces than 2 and right now, i;m searching for one that I want to live with. Boon is right, at this age, not young anymore to shake off responsibilities but also not mature enough to handle all of it that comes our way.

I like who I am when I'm with you all. I really do. I just wish.....

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