Saturday, June 06, 2009

it's always the same scenes that make me cry when watching a show. it's always the same type of people and the actions they do. for instance, a devoted guy who goes all out for the girl he loves, only to be rejected time and again. his love is so pure, so innocent, no hidden agenda, genuine love and yet still gets rejected. and when he has lines like, "All I want is a chance to love you." or "Are you mad at me? Did i do something wrong by wanting to be by your side?" Simply very heart melting to me. I would be like tears streaming and scolding that stupid girl in front of the tv or laptop, why don't want him!!? The other guy no goood. Come on.. wake up to your senses! And the tears just won't stop. On top of that, I noticed English or Chinese movies with such lines, not as much impact as korean and japanese. Somehow, that language conveys more pain than the same lines in English and Chinese.

Another classic type would be telling a child that his/her parent is gone and the child would be innocently saying stuff like, "Is Daddy coming back to read me to sleep?" or "I miss daddy alot. He knows it right? He is always with me right?" errr, no exaggerations here, but i can feel the tears coming. And I noticed this type the dying party must be daddy. Maybe cos i m a girl, a daddy's girl. So i feel more for daddys, mummys not so, sorry to say.

And how can i forget to mention the death of lovers, and this one no gender. I can be weeping my heart out for a guy who lost his gf/wife or a woman who lost her bf/husband. Especially those, die innocently kind. Like just a normal citizen, accidentally involved in some gunshot. Good people die just like that without any prewarning and leaving their loved ones behind. The the standard lines like "Wake up! How can you leave me behind? You promised to take care of me for the rest of my life. How can you leave me!? or "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I should have trusted you. Please, open you eyes, look at me? I'm very sorry!" and many many many many more.

if i were prettier, taller and luckier, maybe i can try being an actress. i might be an all natural when it comes to crying scenes. They always say it's all about getting into the mood and thinking of things to trigger that mood. Well, I have mine already. Piece of cake to me.

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